Psychozoic Era
4 min readJun 21, 2022


6 Easy-To-Follow Actions You Can Take To Step Into Confidence

6 Easy-To-Follow Actions You Can Take To Step Into Confidence

Do you struggle with confidence? Adopting the Psychozoic Era into your life can really change how you live. But having the confidence to do so is essential for your success.

You see, to adopt something so powerful, we also need to take bold action. And boldness requires confidence, and confidence isn’t something we’re born with — it’s something you build.

In today’s article, we’re going to be sharing 6 actions you can take to step into confidence. These actions will help you make life-altering changes through the Psychozoic Era and live your best life.

Let us begin.

  1. Take Action

We can’t build confidence without taking action. Think back to when you were learning something new. Whether it was riding a bike, or learning to swim.

During this time, you probably lacked confidence in your ability to do these things properly. When you’re just learning to ride your bike it can be scary, daunting, and intimidating. But why? It’s because your confidence in riding a bike hasn’t developed.

As you begin putting in the time and biking, you begin to build confidence in your ability to ride a bike. After each bike ride, you get more and more confident. This is how you build confidence. You take action even if you’re not confident in the moment. Because ultimately it builds with time.

2. Improve Your Competence

Now, what happens when we take action?

We improve our competence.

Increasing your competence in a new skill, hobby or passion only makes you more and more confident in your ability with it. But competence comes from practicing over and over.

A writer doesn’t feel confident unless they put in the time to develop competence. A carpenter won’t feel confident in their ability unless they practice in the woodshop. The same goes for any endeavor.

When your competence increases, you’ll be more confident in your ability, and this translates to other areas of life as well.

3. Fail Forward

Failure is often looked at as a bad thing. But it really isn’t. In order to learn and move forward in any of your ambitions, you have to fail. It’s one of the most powerful ways to learn.

Instead of sulking at failure and looking at it as a bad thing, simply accept it and do your best to learn from the mistakes you’ve made. This mindset will ultimately lead to a path of confidence because you’ll know even if you fail, you’re going to learn from it and keep moving forward.

And that’s how you become more self-efficient, gritty, and relentless.

4. Work On Yourself

Working on yourself is an important aspect of building confidence. But what does that mean?

It can be as complicated as diving deep into your subconscious to learn about your self-destructive behaviors and where they stem from. Or it could be as simple as reading a book that will help your mindset.

Just like how we build houses through time and hard work, we as human beings are also built to our fullest potential through our actions and work.

Do you want to learn more about marketing? Start consuming podcasts, books, and blogs that teach it. Do you want to become stronger? Change your diet, start hitting the gym and start learning about the human body.

Working on yourself is the catapult behavior that will allow you to build an unbreakable self-confidence in yourself and your abilities.

5. Challenge Yourself (Push Your Comfort Zone)

Our comfort zone can be the death of our dreams and the birth of a life were not fond of. Making changes is tough, but it’s necessary when you’re trying to live a happier and more fulfilled life.

Pushing your comfort zone daily is not only going to help you deal with fear, but it’ll also help you develop confidence in your ability to do things even if they’re uncomfortable and hard to do.

6. Figure out Your Values And Set Goals Based Around Them

Now, values are very important when figuring out how you want to live your life.


It’s simple.

If you don’t know your values and you don’t set goals based on them, you could end up in a job, position in life, or mindset that has you doubting your journey and regretting your decisions.

Really taking the time to figure out what you value most is important for everyone to do. This will allow you to pursue goals that will bring more confidence into your bloodstream. This is because you’ll know the work you’re doing is ultimately bringing you on a path that is true to who you are and what you want out of life.


So, what are you waiting for?

Implementing all these actions into your life is a surefire way to skyrocket your confidence and create unbelievable momentum.

The best time to start was yesterday.

The second best time to start is now.


Start now.



Psychozoic Era

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